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Forum Posts

Bulk Upload Purchasing Information

I'm wondering if there is an easy way to bulk upload purchasing information. We do not currently meet the criteria to qualify for GSX access (1000 enterprise devices). I have all of the purchasing information in a spreadsheet and I am confident there...  View more

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Adobe Illustrator 2021 lists without 2021

So I've been perplexed on why the Smart Computer Groups I made for Illustrator 2021 kept saying 0. Long story short, recon is inventorying it WITHOUT the " 2021" in the name. So without adding Like v25, in JAMF it's basically the same as the old Illu...  View more

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Safari 14.x Downloads

Safari 14.0 http://swcdn.apple.com/content/downloads/08/46/001-55225-A_FKPERA412C/z81r8bvj47p12e0pvcz9dj33l43z7h201b/Safari14.0MojaveAuto.pkg http://swcdn.apple.com/content/downloads/00/48/001-50020-A_14M4NE130Q/q4lojf164rqsmp57dawdtgs25ut2d1j44m/Saf...  View more

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Using File Modification Dates as Version Numbers

Background Inspired by John Eberle's, Louise Radifera's and Alex Smith's presentation "Supplementing Jamf's reporting with MunkiReport (JNUC305)" at JNUC 2020, we're now test-driving MunkiReport After learning the hard way that a new clie...  View more

50c9edc48ad041fb8e48a69dbd0562b1 440ee95c1298469c9e4ba20191d1b824
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EA for determining Indesign plugin

I need to track a plugin for InDesign, I thought I would utilize EAs to accomplish this, and I have one working for it. However, it is hardcoded to a specific version of InDesign, could someone help me modify this for any version of InDesign and repo...  View more

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Zendesk Jamf Viewer's search function broken?

I just installed the Zendesk Jamf Viewer today and it's pretty cool. The only problem is that, when viewing tickets submitted by a user who has >1 system attributed to them in Jamf, you're presented with the ability to search Jamf from the widget. Bu...  View more

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Inventory Microsoft 365 / OneDrive username?

We've recently run into an issue where a user accidentally logged in to their personal Microsoft 365 account rather than the company account, which creates some data headaches as company files were syncing to a personal account. I'm trying to find a ...  View more

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how to generate software reports

Our asset management dept is asking how to get reports of software installed on machines. I can output an applications list, but it's WAY too detailed, meaning minor versions are all listed separately per device which makes it way too complicated to ...  View more

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Font management

Our company is looking to use the Monotype's Mosaic to deploy and manage fonts that we purchase going forward. I'm wondering if it's possible to disable all other means for our users to install fonts on their Mac so that they are only able to use Mos...  View more

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Update ServiceNow with Jamf Inventory Information

I've searched the forums here and it seems that many have found a way to have Jamf inventory information pulled into ServiceNow to update inventory information in ServiceNow to match Jamf. However, I cant' seem to find any specific information on imp...  View more

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Google Earth Pro version issue

So I just noticed this of recent, but the current version, and it shows up in JAMF as 7.3. I can't accurately update if it only shows the 1st 2 digits. Anyone else have this issue?  View more

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Boot Drive Available showing "0"

In preparation of distributing a large package (mcaOS Catalina installer), I created a smart group with at least x GB available on boot drive. This is explained in a webinar and this article, at the bottom. I was surprised to not see my own Mac in th...  View more

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Custom Extension Attribute Based on Site

I had a use case that it would have been extremely nice to be able to use an advanced search or smart group to be able to gather data about computers in specific sites. However sites aren't meant to be scope-able per Jamf, and that really made my lif...  View more

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Quicklook JCS (Jamf Cloud Server)

Check out this open source SwiftUI App just started for Jamf Pro!https://apps.apple.com/us/app/quicklook-jcs/id1513229388 Easily deployable from the App Store on any MDM Great for asset tracking Run mobile and computer commands Toggle policies on and...  View more

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List FileVault 2 Enabled users

Hello... I thought this would be easy but I'm struggling. I need to create a report that contains all "FileVault 2 Enabled Users" per machine that is rolled into Jamf. I can click on an individual machine and check it manually per machine at the disc...  View more

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