Jamf Pro
Powerful workflows for IT pros
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Forum Posts

Wi-fi "Low Data Mode" on Macs

Hi, folks. We have some users who use their mobile hotspot on their Macs from time to time while traveling. Their mobile data is metered, so they enable "low data mode" under System Settings > Network > Wi-Fi > Details. Does this affect Jamf policies...  View more

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JAMF Site split into 2 additional new sites

I have an existing site (call it site1) and created 2 new sites ( site2 & site3). I don't want to create duplicate policies, smart groups, etc... for site2 & site3 since all 3 sites will basically use all the same. Is this possible? Basically macs fr...  View more

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SMART Notebook/Learning Suite Upgrade Failing?

I've deployed SMART Notebook v21 and 22 in the past, but I want to get everybody upgraded to version 23. I'm ignoring the product key. The gist of it at the moment is that if I push out the v23 pkg to a device that already has v21 or v22, Jamf report...  View more

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Webex Call Setting

Is there a way to force the setting in Webex to automatically use webex for the "start call with" setting with a script or policy? There are some users that have this set to Facetime. In Webex, the 3 options available are Webex, Facetime and Microsof...  View more

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Application Management

Hi All,I'm still gaining my footing as a person in the security sector while trying to manage Macs in our environment with Jamf Pro. We have protection software such as CrowdStrike and Rapid 7. I tried searching through the community, but I'm not fin...  View more

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Apply new policy only to new machines?

I'm looking to create a new policy, specifically one to add/remove dock items, to an existing Jamf environment with a few hundred enrolled devices. I'm trying to roll out cleaner docks & the self service app for a cleaner on-boarding. I'd like this t...  View more

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Timer for Policies in self service

We have policy with scripts for temporary admin access for 120 mins, we scope them to the requested user's self service. We used to remove the target in the policy EOD everyday. Can we automate this policy to remove the target machines after 24 hrs o...  View more

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Script Error

Good day everyone, I'm hoping that I can get a second set of eyes on this script. It is designed to check the status of Find My Mac, and works find locally, but it is erroring out when I run it through a Jamf Policy. Here is the script: !/bin/bash th...  View more

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Ability to lock down AirPlay by MAC address?

First off, I'm a Windows Sys Admin, and we're rolling out Macs and using jamf. Love the software, and love the OS, and realize you can't compare and lock things down the same, but still trying to secure our environment with how I and upper management...  View more

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PW policy that targets specific local user account

So we've been binding macs to Active Directory for a while and the relationship has not been smooth. Filevault and AD passwords are regularly going out of sync. I've not found a great solution to fixing it. Been having folks log in via another generi...  View more

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Send Command or Script execution to the background

Greetings, I'm trying to run a policy from Jamf Pro Cloud in which the policy will either fire off a unix command and send it to the background and not wait for a response so Jamf can finish executing the rest of the policy. I tried using the Execute...  View more

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Show wifi status in menu bar.

Does anyone have a script or a terminal command to show WiFi in the menu bar? I have been trying and nothing I do works. I am on Big Sur. I need a way to implement this to all of the Macs in my environment.  View more

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Script works locally but not via Policy

A very simple script to add the Movies folder to the sidebar upon login does not work even though the policy logs return a completed status. #!/bin/zsh # # Add the logged in user's "Movies" folder to the Finder Sidebar # Get the HOME value for the us...  View more

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Deploying Xcode in 2021

Is anyone deploying Xcode component through the 'Self Services' option with any success?or how to automate the "install additional component" without Admin i have try this... but no success , always asking admin authority #!/bin/bash if [[ -d /Applic...  View more

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Deploy Wallpaper to M1 Macs

I've been trying to distribute backgrounds to the M1 Macs for days. but unfortunately these M1s behave completely opposite to the Intels. Log says "Completed" but on the M1 is only a blue background instead of the distributed background. all Intel Ma...  View more

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Autopkgr Automation Help

Howdy All! I have been working with autopkgr and I have everything configured enough for it to run almost hands free, but I have 2 main things still missing that would complete the automation process. Issue #1I am having a hard time getting autopkgr ...  View more

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Freshservice Agent install with json file.

Our company is moving to Freshservice. Working on a policy to push the Freshservice agent to all our Macs. The Agnet is a pkg file and that installs fine but I can't figure out how to make it reference the json file for the registration key and accou...  View more

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Policy Logs: Download or Export?

Anyone out there know if there is a way to export or download the logs of a policy? I see way to grab the policy logs of individual or groups of computers, but no way to download the logs per policy. Am I just missing something or a specific workflow...  View more

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Adobe 2021 installation fail

I've tried several different ways of uploading the Adobe apps, from wrapping the pkg in a dmg and using the script provided by Jamf to install from a dmg. I've tried uploading the package through Jamf Admin and letting it zip up the package. I've zip...  View more

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Detect if policy was run through Self Service or not

I'm working on a script that is initiated through Self Service and Startup (ongoing). I want the script to know whether it was initiated from Self Service or if it just ran because of a restart. Right now I have the script detecting whether Self Serv...  View more

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Computer Policy Restart Issues

So this sentence at Computers>Policies>*YourPolicyName>Restart Options"If "macOS Installer" is chosen as the Startup Disk, Restart Options on this pane will not be applied to computers with macOS 10.12.4 or later." Does that mean I can't use that opt...  View more

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Update package

I'm new to Jamf and am trying to move the workflow from my previous MDM, so apologies if I'm missing something obvious. I've got a package which installs some required files and runs a few scripts. The package is usually updated every few weeks with ...  View more

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KACE AMPagent - Big Sur

Has anyone been successful in deploying the KACE agent (11.0.123) to Big Sur Macs? I've been having trouble since tokens were introduced. The AMPagent.pkg I'm using already has our server address and token information pre-filled. Previously, I was us...  View more

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