Jamf Pro
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Forum Posts

Zoom Room Controller App Connection Issue

Looking for anyone with guidance on how to resolve this weird issue I am auto deploying the Zoom Room Controller app from JAMF via VPP to our Zoom Room iPads, and for the most part the app will auto install, I am able to open and login and get to our...  View more

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iPads stopped communicating with JSS all at once

We have about 130 iPads in or org. enrolled via pre-stage enrollment. Many of these iPads have not been in use as they are issued to traveling sales members who have not been traveling due to Covid. Recently we have been trying to make sure all devic...  View more

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FileVault the Prestage Local Admin account

In our Prestage we set an Local Admin account as below On ADE setup, users creates account, DEPnotify comes on and installs apps. On Completion DEPNotify is with Restart button. User clicks Restart and is prompted for their pwd to enable FileVault fo...  View more

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Pre Stage Enrolment

Apologies if someone has already created a topic based on this but with pre-stage enrolment does anyone know of a way that you can see the progress of the enrolment on the client machine? We have our pre-stage enrolment set to install multiple packag...  View more

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macOS Big Sur and Pre-Stage Enrollment

I have run into an issue with brand new Mac with Big Sur. They will not pick up the management profile from our Pre-Stage Enrollment so it will not prompt the user to acknowledge that the device is managed by our district and install the profile. I h...  View more

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Prestage Package reverts to previous version

After a lot of trying I managed to finally get a prestage package installed, after checking the hash and the size more carefully. I still have an issue while trying updating the package: I changed the script inside the package, and uploaded it to Jam...  View more

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Big Sur PreStage user permissions

My PreStage is configured to create a hidden local admin account and a Standard Local user account.However, when I deploy a machine running Big Sur the local user is created with Admin permissions.Has anyone else seen this?  View more

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Pre-Stage Enrollment Question

I have noticed something interesting over the last couple of weeks that I though I would post up here and see if there is a way to either fix it or just leave it be as it doesn't seem to be effecting our workflow. I work for a very large High School ...  View more

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DEP Computer Not Enrolling

Hey fellow Jamf admins, We deployed some new computers this week and have run into an issue I've never seen before... For context:We have Apple Business Manager, DEP, and our Jamf token with those services all aligned and it's been working just fine ...  View more

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Shared iPad and wallpaper setting

We have JAMF pro in our school and I have a problem with shared iPad, I cannot find the wallpaper setting after I login. I also set a Smart Device Groups so every iPad in our school will be change the wallpaper, but it seen that it no effect on share...  View more

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Best practices for end user security profiles

I am wanting to improve our end user security within our school district on our macOS devices. Since I have taken over the Jamf/macOS/iOS process I have noticed that we don't have any real security profiles set up. What are some of your preferred pro...  View more

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Automated Enrollment / DEP / PreStage

My Automated Enrollment / DEP workflow has been pretty solid during our testing...but as of this evening, certain aspects are not running the way it has been in the past few weeks of testing. I don't know if its because of testing on the same device ...  View more

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Configuration Profile not loading on Prestage Enrollment

Hey guys, So recently we have purchased some new MacBooks. Instead of opening them up we would like to do Zero Touch Deployment on them. I'm new to this What I've managed to do so for is set up Prestage MDM Installation during initial setup. Unfortun...  View more

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Deleted prestage, way to recover it?

Ill start off that Im pretty sure I know the answer for this already but here it goes. My coworker was removing machines from a prestage and got lost doing something and forgot where/what he was doing. He then deleted our Student prestage (2800 machi...  View more

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Wipe and Re-Enroll into Jamf

My company provided me a couple of Apple Mac Laptop(s) for testing purpose. I am 99% sure they are all enrolled in DEP. I would like to: (1) completely wipe these Apple Mac laptop(s)(2) re-install the Apple macOS Operatying System(3) re-enroll them i...  View more

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PKG only works when set on 'reboot'

Hi Nation, I am testing the latest java pkg (v8.241). If it set it on 'after' with any priorities, it doesn't install. If I set it on 'reboot' it installs.looking at my Jamf admin, I can see that previous java packages are set on after with priority ...  View more

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DEP Hide Management Account During Prestage Enrolment

Is there a way to hide the local Management Account during DEP Prestage Enrollment? We are not creating an additional management account but users are brought to this screen prompting for the local admin credentials. I can't see where to change this ...  View more

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Prestage enrolment doesn't run any policies

So we have DEP set up and machines build as they should we get all the correct screens and the accounts all get created but all policies just sit at pending or they run but don't do what they should do. For example we are trying to get JAMF Login to ...  View more

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Discuss Your "Onboarding Flow"

I'm really curious how different organizations manage onboarding new users, and how I could being using Jamf to better automate my redundant tasks. Are you completely zero touch? If so, how do you automate some of the necessary tasks? Or (like myself...  View more

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Best major OS upgrade workflow for labs?

Greetings all, tl;dr: Can I do a major (Sierra or High Sierra to Mojave) macOS update on my student labs without having to click through screens on site. Longer, more Bruce-like version: We have a variety of specialty labs in what we call the Center ...  View more

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