Jamf Connect 2 Notify Customisation Tips and Tricks

New Contributor

Hi Community,

I am always working on improving the Jamf Connect 2 Notify Enrollment and I wanted to hear your thoughts what big or small adjustments to the Notify Script have been a game changer for you.

Personally I like to work with the OIDC Token to be able to outprint the first name and upn during the Notify Process.


TOKEN_GIVEN_NAME=$(echo "$(cat $TOKEN_BASIC)" | sed -e 's/\"//g' | awk -v k="text" '{n=split($0,a,","); for (i=1; i<=n; i++) print a[i]}' | grep given_name | cut -d ":" -f2)

TOKEN_UPN=$(echo "$(cat $TOKEN_BASIC)" | sed -e 's/\"//g' | awk -v k="text" '{n=split($0,a,","); for (i=1; i<=n; i++) print a[i]}' | grep upn | cut -d ":" -f2)

I am curious what you did to customise the Jamf Connect 2 Notify Enrollment.




New Contributor

Also to add here I have added a coffeinate command to prevent computer sleep.

/usr/bin/caffeinate -disu -t 7200&

Valued Contributor III

I use Notify to call a custom script that reads the logged in user and assigns the Computer/Device name based on the users info.  (IE what building, whether Teacher or Student and the barcode of the device).   Funny though I keep having issues getting the Notify screen to find and use the notify script.  Working on that now lol.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools