iWork collaboration no longer working with MAID

New Contributor II

I work for a K-12 school district and we have been using the same staff restrictions (config profile) for a few years now. Previously, our teachers were able to collaborate in iWork without any issue. It has recently been brought to my attention that the "Collaborate" button is now grayed out and teachers are unable to work on a document together. I have found that unrestricting their device resolves this issue, so I believe that something in our staff restrictions might be causing this issue. All iCloud features are enabled in the config profile, as far are restrictions go,  so I am unsure what other field would be tied to iWork collaboration. Does anyone have any info on this or is anyone experiencing a similar issue?


New Contributor II

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We found that the "Automatically enable new sharing services" in Restrictions > Sharing Services needed to be checked in order to get Apple collaboration back up and running. We cloned our current Staff Restrictions, checked the new field, and are currently testing it on a small group.