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Forum Posts

iOS Enrollment Profile - Display Removal Notification

When creating an iOS enrollment profile there is a checkbox for "Display removal notification in inventory". Where does this notification show up when a user removes the enrollment profile? I just removed the enrollment profile from an iPad running i...  View more

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Preventing file transfers through screen sharing

Hi all.This is a half Mac half Casper issue I need to get worked out.Does anyone know of a way to prevent users from being able to transfer files while using screen sharing between 2 macs.If so, can this be controlled or enforced with Casper? Loads o...  View more

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Disable WiFi

Hello, I need a script that can be ran that will allow our machine to disable WiFi. We use a network cable to get connected to the internet. Thanks, Marc  View more

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"PTUpdate wants to make changes."

Has anyone ran into this message before?"PTUpdate wants to make changes. Type your password to allow this"Couldn't find anything via Google for OS X.  View more

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MySQL launchd for Yosemite

Since Yosemite no longer supports StartupItems, here's a link to a shell script installer that will create a launchd for you to start MySQL automagically at system startup: https://github.com/MacMiniVault/Mac-Scripts/blob/master/mmvMySQL/YosemiteLaun...  View more

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Understanding Cache, Install, and Install Cache

I would like to make sure I have the proper understanding on this. Cache: Saves the package to the Waiting Room folder for future installation.Install: Runs the package directly from the serverInstall Cache: Installs ALL packages in the Waiting Room ...  View more

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Intego Flextivity and deployments

Folks, I am going to begin installing our Intego Flextivity client across our Casper clients. Has anyone done this and have you run into any gottchas? We have been using VirusBarrier, but I felt this would be a better fit for management. Our PC infra...  View more

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Limited Access

If I set a server to 'Limited Access' - 'Computer Access Only', does the /enroll URL still work? I'm assuming not, but it sure would be helpful. I'm trying to increase security by setting up a full access server in a restricted network, and changing ...  View more

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10.9 Remaining disk space is incorrect.

Has anyone encounter the issue with 10.9 reporting/showing incorrect disk space remaining? Background--Early 2014 Macbook Air 11" 128GB HD. Shared student device. Students were logging in and chewing up the storage space. Found a script that runs at ...  View more

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Use Apple update server?

How do I setup a policy that will use the Apple software update server to check for software updates AT LOGOUT ? How do I setup a policy that will use the Apple software update server to check for software updates AUTOMATIC ? will it automatically po...  View more

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Yosemite Updates?

Is the Jamf NetSus (3.0.2) solution able to distribute Yosemite updates out of the (virtual) box, or do I need to update come configs I cannot see anything in the documentation about supported OS versions? Thanks in advance! Mike  View more

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Deploying Paragon NTFS for Mac 12

Paragon's NTFS for Mac requiers Activation after installing. Even after grabbing all the files with Composer. After a mail to Paragon's support I got a deployable version: NTFS_for_Mac_12.1.77_deploy.dmgMake a policy and cache it to the Waiting Room....  View more

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Machines re-naming themselves. Name (number)

So, I wasn't too sure what to title this.It's the issue where a machine will give itself a number on the end of its bonjour name whenever it switches between wireless or ethernet.I'm not quite knowledgable on how OS X communicates with DNS/DHCP if th...  View more

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Installing Command Line Tool prior to JSS install

I noticed when trying to install JJS 9.62 on a clean 10.10.1 image that it will ask to install Command Line Tools near the end. If I let this prompt come up and install it while JSS is installing, it will fail 100% of the time. The only solution is t...  View more

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Change JDS URL?

I know I can uninstall a JDS instance from this article here: https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/article.html?id=340 , but I was wondering if anyone knows an easy way to simply update just the JDS URL without having to uninstall and reinstall? Is th...  View more

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Auto Login Local User

Hi A question: How can I deploy to turn on automatic login for a local user. I found in a other discussion this script but I cant get this working: http://www.brock-family.org/gavin/perl/kcpassword.html What do I have to do to enable the automatic lo...  View more

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MySQL 5.6.22

Did anyone upgraded database to MySQL 5.6.22. Its working fine everywhere except the JSS Startup --> Generating self service notification is stuck at 46%. I can connect to it with users 'root' and 'jss' and query tables, list tables etc. In the Jamfs...  View more

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Log Flushing Broken

I have an open case with support, but I wanted to get some feedback from the community. I'm curious if anyone else has run into this issue. Following an upgrade from 9.32 > 9.61 we lost the ability to flush logs. Policy history shows logs for individ...  View more

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iBeacon Use Cases

Hello JAMF Nation, I'm writing to ask for your help. Twocanoes and I are gathering information about how you are using or want to use iBeacons with the Casper Suite. Our plan is to document the steps needed to implement the most popular requests and ...  View more

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"Authentication failed to ""

When I try to share screen with certain users in Casper Remote, I am presented with the error message: "Authentication failed to "". Please verify you have entered the correct name and password." I have already tried to edit the managem...  View more

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9.62 and OSX 10.10

Is it better to bring Casper to 9.62 and then bring the server to 10.10 or vice versa? This is my first experience with an upgrade for Casper. We are on Caster 9.61 and Max OSX 10.9.4 / Server 3.1.2 right now. Thanks all for the help/guidance.  View more

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JSS 9.62 and Yosemite

Hi All.Wanted to report some weirdness I've come across with a Yosemite machine.I just upgraded to JSS 9.62 so I could start allowing users to upgrade to Yosemite.I used the "Mac app store apps" area of the JSS GUI to host the Yosemite update in Self...  View more

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Installing Cached Package Without Mounting DP

Hi - I've created a policy to cache a package. The package has cached successfully. Now I want to create a second policy to install that cached package but I DO NOT want to installALLCached packages and I DO NOT want to mount the distribution point b...  View more

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