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Forum Posts

Switching from File Share Distribution Points to JDS

Has anyone done this yet? How easy is it? Any steps to follow? Any tips/tricks etc. We've just upgraded from v.8 to v.9 and we're weighing up whether to go from FSDP to JDS and looking at how simple/difficult this would be to do. thanks for any help.  View more

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Pre-JumpStart Mac Mini Server Prep

Hi everyone! I have a question about some JumpStart preparation stuff. I thought asking here might be nice since I'm sure someone out there has a similar set up. We're rolling out Casper soon and just got in two Mac Mini servers to use (one will be t...  View more

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Imaging Fusion Drive iMacs

We recently bought two fusion drive iMacs, which I have had issues imaging, because they don't seem happy just taking a standard image from Casper (we are running v9.22). Best guess is Casper doesn't support Fusion drive imaging (well I can't find an...  View more

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Chrome Homepage

Hi,Just wondering how people have found the best way to get the Chrome Homepage through Casper. Our company is pretty new to Casper, we have only had it in for a few months. I'm pretty windows based myself.I did try using Composer, opening Chrome, se...  View more

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EyeTV packaging

Has anyone tried to package EyeTV and programmatically complete its setup assistant? The EyeTV software is drag and drop, but on first launch, it prompts for the activation key and some other options. After completing the setup assistant, it creates ...  View more

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Apple's new Deployment Programs

It looks like Apple has finally opened up OTA supervision among other things. https://deploy.apple.com/qforms/open/register/index/avs it looks like you have to create a new Apple ID and so far it doesn't mention anything about tying into our current ...  View more

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Casper Admin Crashes

Anyone else experiencing intermittent Casper Admin Crashes when they upload packages? The symptoms are that I upload a package to Casper Admin and when it finishes uploading (or I assume its finished) it crashes with a EXC_BAD_ACCESS in the crash dum...  View more

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JSS 9.24 & AD Mobile accounts

I noticed this at the very end of the Release notes and it's very concerning to me. "An error is displayed if a user logs in to a managed computer with a mobile account and the computeris bound to Active Directory, and the login takes several minutes...  View more

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Missing host/device name after joining domain.

I've been having issues 10.8 and up that after I image the first time a network account logs into the machine the hostname and device name gets blanked off the machine. Once I put it back in it will stay. My 10.6 and 10.7 images aren't affected. Has ...  View more

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10.9.2 Update - Not Detected/Installing

Is anyone else having a problem with the 10.9.2 update not being detected and installed? I have checked the URL of the NetBoot/NetSUS server and everything is good. The update is enabled and I can confirm in the XML that both 10.9.2 updates are visib...  View more

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Recommended Anti-Virus exclusions?

Are there any recommended antivirus exclusions for Mavericks? We use Sophos but they don't provide any best practice guidance related to this. By exclusions I'm meaning files not to scan with on access scanning Sometimes when you on access scan certa...  View more

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Device Enrollment Program

In case anyone has not read about it. http://www.apple.com/education/it/dep/ And some updated things that may be of interest… The New ITAn overview of iOS 7 features with an organization IT focus.Please use this URL as a starting point to explore all...  View more

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GSX behind proxy?

We have a ticket open with JAMF, but we wanted to check with the community to see if anyone is running JSS behind a proxy server? If so, has it worked reliably? Any gotchas? No mention in the KB or admin guide: Integrating with Apple's Global Service...  View more

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Apple TV - AirPlay

Can someone please explain the AirPlay settings for Apple TV i.e. Restrict AirPlay destinations(Only known AirPlay destinations will be available to the device) this option takes device ID. I couldnt find the device ID of my iPad there is a device id...  View more

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Casper Focus: Classes Not Showing Up

Hi all, I'm testing Casper Focus but I'm unable to get my test class to show up. The two LDAP logins I've been using work if they are entered in the Teacher Username, but not under the Student Username. I've tried toggling between a specific site and...  View more

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Showing progress bar while running scripts

I manage my Windows clients mostly with a tool call WinBatch. One of the nice features is the option to display a progress bar and update that progress bar while the script is running. aStatusBar (0,title,message1,10,0) to open the statusbaraStatusBa...  View more

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Advance Search off Extension Attribute not working

Wondering if anyone else has had this issue or been able to fix. I have an extension attribute setup to check for duplicate certificates which scans the System keychain for a specific certificate name and reports back the count of that certificate. M...  View more

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Confusion over App Store for Macs

Hey all:When I read the agreement for the app store, it states that you are allowed to install the app on as many computers as you wish that you own or have tied to the Apple ID. With that being said, there is Volume Purchase program to but many copi...  View more

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Package limitations and policies

I was looking to setup a policy that installed a piece of software. This piece of software has one package for 10.8.x and one package for 10.9.x. Instead of making two policies to handle this, I thought it would be cool to place both packages into th...  View more

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multiple jamfhelper messages

Hello everybody, I have a test script that is showing 3 messages and which works fine in terminal #!/bin/sh echo "test1"; test1=`/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/jamfHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/jamfHelper -windowType utility -heading "Test" -descr...  View more

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Tomcat init script on Debian

I just updated to 9.24. The init.d script failed to start tomcat because it is expecting Ubuntu. DISTRIB_ID=lsb_release -i -s 2>/dev/null returns Debian and the code below is looking for Ubuntu. I simply edited it to reflect Debian and all worked fin...  View more

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GoToMeeting cached login

We have multiple gotomeeting seats available and users seems to always check the remember me box when they use any of the seats, although each of the seats must be reserved, users tend to always kick others out of the meeting simply because they end ...  View more

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10.9.1 base image and Recovery partition

Please excuse me if this has already been discussed but I haven't found anything to address my question. I am going to make a base 10.9.1 image using Composer to upload to Casper Admin and then use to image some 75 2013 macbook airs. My question is t...  View more

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Wifi profile still prompts for password

I just made a change to one of my wifi profiles which kicked all of the clients off. After setting that back up and connecting the ipads to a secondary ssid, it seems that the profile is being updated (based on the chart in the configuration profiles...  View more

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Apple ID prompt not suppressing in 10.9.2

I've got a script that we run at imaging and then via policy at startup that disables the pre-login iCloud/Apple ID prompt. When I image a Mac via Casper Imaging with the public 10.9.2 release it reboots and goes to that prompt anyway and doesn't go ...  View more

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[OT] Adobe Extension Mgr 7.1.1

I have a user that wants to install AEM 7.1.1 (December '13) on his CS6. I ran Adobe RUM, but he said it didn't update to the 7.1.1 version. I so went back to AAMEE and told it to create an update pkg. The AEM only updates to 6.0.8. So I took the dow...  View more

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