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Forum Posts

running a script with arguments

Hello, This is a really bad question, I know... but how do you run a scriptwith arguments through a policy? For instance, I'm running the removalscript for Symantec Anti-Virus and need to supply some flags to the script. I see you can add custom para...  View more

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Is anyone out there using proxypass lines in httpd.conf to forward regular apache port 80 requests to the jss tomcat port 8443 or 9006? if so how's it working? if not, is there a better way? also, is anyone running multiple tomcat webapps on their js...  View more

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Apple Xcode and IOS SDK

Anyone have any jewels to share on Casper installs of Apple Xcode and IOS SDK..?Seems like a roll of the dice every time an update comes out. Currently using Composer snapshots and so far they have worked out well with minor bumps.During the last upd...  View more

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MCX to block the security preference's?

I want to block out changes from the Security --> FileVault preferencewindow. I tried using FSEventer to find which file is modified butunfortunately my drive needs an additional 90gig of space toenable/disable FV :-(. So it doesn't seem like FSEvent...  View more

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Running UTS & Casper on the same box.

The machine that Casper currently sits on is complete over kill on the specthat's needed. I was planning to use this box as Universal Type Server, hasanyone run both on the same box with out running into any problems? Peace Neil MillerIT Director + 3...  View more

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Windows Management Tool?

Sorry for the not related Casper post, but can you tell me what products your tech dept uses for windows management? Since Symantec bought Altiris, we've been unhappy with their product and are looking for something new. Thanks!  View more

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Contact Time vs Report Date

Could someone give me a brief explanation of the difference between theinventory options "Last Contact Time" and "Last Report Date"? We've got several instances of drastic differences. In one case, a machine's last contact time was 11/22, but it's la...  View more

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Microsoft Error Reporting

So a lot of our users are Running EndNote X3 or X4 with Office 2008 under Snow Leopard. There is a known bug, which for whatever reason has still not been resolved and probably won't ever. Basically whenever you save and then quit Word, you get the M...  View more

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Scripting Live LDAP Lookups

Greetings, I've gone through the jamf help un-man page and wasn't able to find anything that would make the JSS do an LDAP lookup against our directory server on the fly. I basically want to script a change when a user logs in, to take the username o...  View more

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Script Sharing

I posted this to our internal Tech wiki. I made some slight revisions andposted for scripting lessons. I look at EVERY post on here that has anythingto do with scripting/CLI looking for new tips or tricks and so I am sharing.;) For various reasons I ...  View more

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Noticing some computers we image show "-UNMANAGED-"

We just noticed some computers are being rolled out that are showing up in JSS as "-UNMANAGED-". I tried the steps in KB 014 to bring the computer back to managed state, but I'm not seeing it update in JSS (ran "jamf recon" to give it a kick). Is thi...  View more

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This may be the silliest question ever. Does anyone know of a way to constrain the size of stickies? I found articles on how to set default size, but nothing to keep them that size forever. I'm asking because I help manage a high school, and the stud...  View more

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Developing Apps for iOS (iTunes U)

http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=395631522&s=143441&ls=1 Description (18 episodes) Tools and APIs required to build applications for the iPhone platformusing the iPhone SDK. User interface designs for mobile devices an...  View more

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802.1 Policy

Hello User Group, I trying to make a policy for a 801.1 network that the SSID is turn off. I have searched the usergroup archives and saw this: We have a wireless connection thats uses authentication, what i did was turn off the wireless at logout an...  View more

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Timed execution

Is it possible to create a policy to execute days or even months in the future? For example; I put a firmware password on every student laptop, this becomes a pain when I reimage the machines in the summer. I would like to execute a policy around the...  View more

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Adobe CS5 Design Standard Package Install

Has anyone out there successfully created a CS5 Adobe Design Standard Suite package? I have tried a hand full of times and the package is created fine. When I install or push the package to a system I get the bellow error when trying to launch the ap...  View more

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Casper MCX

Is anyone noticing a long delay at log in when using casper for managed prefs? It's only when connected to a network that does not have access to the JSS. When the machine can hit the JSS, log ins are quick and normal, same when not connected to anyt...  View more

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Netboot Across Subnets

IS there a way to Netboot across subnets for casper imaging? Thanks, Glenn J BurnsComputer TechnicianSnyder ISD325-574-8793gburns at snyder.esc14.net• Certified Mac Technician  View more

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Packaging Adobe Air Applications

Hi All, I've created a dmg for tweetdeck using a composer snapshot & the install fails in other mac's. Any tips or tricks anyone can give when packaging adobe air applications? Regards, Ben.  View more

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Updated Parallels Install Documentation

Does anyone have updated documentation for deploying Parallels? Specifically for version 5 or 6. I see the instructions for Parallels 3 upon the JAMF site and I did a search of the mailing list, but nothingcurrent. There are no longer any diff settin...  View more

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Copy .dmg file to folder during imaging

Does anyone know if there is a way to just copy a .dmg file to a specificlocation during imaging vs. actually installing the .dmg Glenn J BurnsComputer TechnicianSnyder ISD325-574-8793gburns at snyder.esc14.net• Certified Mac Technician  View more

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smart group by OS version

So, I am trying to make a smart group by OS version for all machines that have 10.6.x and for some reason it never picks them up, and the most I can get is like 50 to show up out of 500 machines that are running 10.6.4.... Any ideas? -Tom  View more

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symbolic keys...

Hi everyone, Has anybody been able to control their symbolic keys via MCX in Casper? I can't seem to get my settings to work. John McLaughlinTechnical Support SpecialistNewton Public Schools  View more

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