Jamf Pro
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Forum Posts

Script to delete static groups (by name or ID)

I have a number of static device groups that I need to delete (about 500 groups!).I have all of the exact group names and the group ID's.Could someone please help me with a script to load in these names or IDs and delete them in a batch? Thanks in ad...  View more

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security update 2020-006

anyone else having this 10.13/10.14 security update 2020-006 constantly installing? it installs, but then inventory update keeps saying it is an update that is needed to install. even when i install it via terminal, the inventory update still says it...  View more

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Chrome Patch Policy - Big Sur

Hi, We currently have a patch policy for Chrome 87.0.4280.67. I have deployed it to our pilot machines and it installed without issue on all Catalina machines but on a Big Sur machine the user gets the error '"GoogleSoftwareUpdate.Bundle" can't be op...  View more

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Google Secure LDAP Subdomains

Hello, I have added our Google Secure LDAP as a Cloud Identity Provider in Jamf Pro. However, I am only able to look up users in our primary domain, and not our subdomain. Has anyone run into a similar issue?  View more

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Trying to block the chrome zoom localized app

Hey all,We have Macs, iPads and Chromebooks and on the macs and iPads we use the zoom app. I am finding that on the MacBooks, we have users downloading the localized Chrome version of Zoom which is quite watered down and glitches a lot more. Im strug...  View more

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Multiple processes with one script

I'm not sure if this has been covered before but my searches didn't bring up anything so im giving it a shot. I am looking for a way to run multiple commands with one trigger. Essentially i'd like to run something like sudo jamf policy -event runImag...  View more

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Big Sur M1 Mac + Filevailt 2 - Admin user = Big problems

After configuring our first M1 machine we ended up with the attached error. "Recovery is trying to change system setting. No Administrator was found." This happened after a reboot in which some system and kernel extensions were installed by policy an...  View more

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Launch Policy Every Other Week

Hello, I have a policy with a script to remind managers to submit timecards using jamfHelper. I want to be able to execute this script every other Monday but I am having issues trying to figure out how to make that happen. Has anyone had any luck wit...  View more

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Big Sur - ATP defender......killing me slowly

I have spent almost 3 days on getting windows defender working on Big surand it just keep on getting strange behavior. I have followed the following microsoft site, that is updated recently and it is fairly easy to create the described config profile...  View more

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Firewall customizations

We have users running docker, which i added to the Firewall by allowing com.docker.docker and some other com.docker. bundles. But i'm unable to add minishift.When configuring it on a machine without Firewall policy and looking in the alf.plist it onl...  View more

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Adding a sudo command for Adobe RUM

Hello, I have read a few posts on here and some good scripts, but im not sure how or where to add in to run it as Sudo? Since adobe RUM requires sudo. Can someone please tell me where to add that in and how? Thanks!  View more

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Mac Student Computer Lab - Proper Zerotouch

Hi, I'm trying to setup Catalina in our Mac Student lab of 30 computers. The problem is when I do an Erase and Reinstall of macOS, there are a number of screens that must be manually clicked in order for JAMF to then continue with the rest of the set...  View more

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CrowdStrike Configuration Profile | BigSur

If you have to install version 6 and above of crowdstrike on bigsur, have to install their unsigned profile first. This profile only be uploaded and distributed with MDM solutions. In order to upload to MDM, that profile needs to be signed first. Ori...  View more

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MacOS Smart Group based on Remote Lock Command status

Hi All, We have a security policy to send a remote lock to machines that have not checked-in for a certain period of time. I'm trying to figure out a way to create a Smart Group using the status of the Remote Lock command. Obviously, these machines a...  View more

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Lost ipads

Is there a way to search for the last known good location or ip address of a lost ipad that is no longer connected to a wifi signal?  View more

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