DEP Policies Delayed? - No policies were found for the "recurring check-in" trigger -


Im seeing this issue after updating to JSS 9.101
After enrolling a laptop via DEP. Policies that have .pkg do not run until about an hour after enrollment.

I do a sudo jamf recon, then sudo jamf policy, but it says "No policies were found for the "recurring check-in" trigger"

If i look at the Management Tab - Policies and it lists all the policies that should be running at check-in.

I noticed this mainly on the new touch bar model macs. But have seen this happening on older models also. Anyone else experience this??



Contributor II

Do you have a copy of the jamf.log to look at and see what happens right after enrollment? Could it be that the check-in triggered policies are trying to run too early in the DEP enrollment?

Contributor II

I have encountered the same behavior with DEP Macs on Jamf Pro 10.1.0. It seems that the jamf agent does not find recurring check-in policies until about an hour after enrollment.

The jamf.log simply reports

Thu Jan 11 10:58:56 COMPNAME-MB jamf[3095]: Checking for policies triggered by "recurring check-in" for user "username"... Thu Jan 11 10:58:58 COMPNAME-MB jamf[3095]: Checking for patches... Thu Jan 11 10:58:58 COMPNAME-MB jamf[3095]: No patch policies were found.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is intentional for DEP enrollments in order to prevent accidental toe stepping. I'm not terribly worried as it seems that each Mac eventually checks in.