First Run Enroll "Cannot Connect to JSS" then works after 5 min..

Valued Contributor III

Hey all,
Hoping someone had this issue as well. On 10.7.5 and Casper Imaging 8.64 on a gigabit net boot (with a base 10.7.5 and have tried removing system configuration preferences from said base image with no luck) I'm seeing a delay when the firstrun enroll script runs where it cannot connect to the JSS, but then does after 5 mins. I cannot seem to locate the problem with this and im going nuts!

It used to enroll the machine right away, but now just waits for the 5 before creating management which adds 5 mins to my imaging. I seemed to fix this on the 10.8.3 images by removing the preferences.plist in the systemconfigurations folder, but that does not seem to affect 10.7.5.

Anyone had similar experiences?

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

New Contributor

I have not experienced this, but I know a lot of issues in Lion with the plist lockfiles, causes things like what you are saying. It may be related.

Valued Contributor III

Do you know which plist lock files may be causing this?

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Valued Contributor II

how are you building your base image? is it all models? I saw this on macbook airs then realized it was connecting to JSS once wireless script ran (I was using test base image built from macbook).

Valued Contributor III

In the past I've built these on our newest portables (late 2012 macbook pro 13") and it has worked fine re-imaging anything with this base.

It seems when I test the image after it being built on another (same model) machine it continues this problem.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Do you use a self signed or privately signed SSL cert?

Valued Contributor III

We are using self signed. We have the checkbox unchecked that states "This JSS has a valid certificate installed". Is it possible its because I have a script to set the time zone after the fact?

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Might be.

I was thinking either the time is out on te client so the SSL communication is failing


The SSL cert is from an untrusted CA.

Not sure if any of that helps resolve.

Valued Contributor III

We just use the built in one from the JSS, never had an issue up till now. Ill check on the time settings. Thanks!

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Valued Contributor III

So time settings didn't fix this, if I read my logs on the client after imaging it states firstrun install: Could not connect to the jss, then 20 sec later: The JSS is available.
Im getting really frustrated here. Don't like waiting 5 minutes for no reason.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Hmmm.. Are you using HTTPS distribution at all? (Should've asked @ the beginning).

Also, are you running any other scripts before? Perhaps involving setting up network ports??

Valued Contributor III

This is just a base image. I've taken out all scripts.

We only use AFP. Not http.

I've tried this 6 times today deleting various files with no success.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Valued Contributor III

So wondering if someone else can replicate my issue:
Using a 10.7.5 NetBoot image with Casper imaging 8.64 to load just a 10.7.5 base image and a recovery partition, nothing more (no other pkg or dmg installs).

After reboot check console under either all logs or system logs and search for either JAMF or jss. I'm seeing the firstrun enroll check for the jss connection and then it waits to try again for 5 minutes even though within another few seconds it shows the jss becoming available.

At this point I just want to be sure I'm not crazy.

Thanks again for all help provided!

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Valued Contributor III

So I can also verify if I replace 8.64 with 8.63 of Casper Imaging on my netboot, that this connects immediately and enrolls quite fast. Looks like I'm just going to revert to 8.63 for now and just use 8.64 for ML imaging.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

New Contributor
New Contributor

Hi Game, We just confirmed the same behavior with Casper 8.7, and the com.jamfsoftware.firstrun.enroll LaunchDaemon specifies a start interval of 300 seconds, which explains the delay. We're trying to improve our imaging speed and are looking into the best way to get around the interval without reverse engineering the whole thing.

Contributor III

^ Correct. If the computer can not communicate with the JSS about 25 seconds after boot (how fast that daemon fires off) you will then have to wait 5 minutes.

We ran into this in one situation with a location that had a slow network. We put a package in that would reboot the machine about 10 seconds after the jamf helper came up. After the 2nd reboot it all ready had an established connection and enrolled immediately. Not the greatest of solutions but did the trick and only added about 40 extra seconds.

Contributor III

Has anyone worked out a conclusive fix for this?

Valued Contributor II

@gshackney][/url][/url, this is a little off topic but where did you get Casper Imaging 8.74? We have an active support contract and "My Assets" only lists 8.73 as the latest version of 8.7x.

Valued Contributor III

Looks like I was probably mistyping 8.64 back in the day...I can edit

Good spot though

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools