FR: Self Service Buttons and Text

Contributor III


Right now on the 'Featured' (Home) Self Service screen, or a category
specific screen that lists all the possible policies, you have the word
'Install' at the end of the line. Attached a screen to make sure you know
what I'm talking about. Although this is accurate that it will perform the
policy, not all users may realize they can click on the name of the policy
to get more details for that policy, OR I may want to force users to have to
go into the details of a policy before just installing it.

I propose two things:

1) To the left of the current 'Install' button you also place a 'Details'
button as a clear indicator of how to see more information about this
policy. I realize that to us this interface may seem intuitive, but there
are people out there...I won't say anymore. You get the point.

2) I would like to see an option in Self Service Preferences to disable the
'Install' buttons on the featured and category listing pages altogether,
forcing users to view the details of a policy. This is more of a cover your
ass type deal. "Did you read what this was going to do? You were forced to
go to the page that told you the information." Regardless they are likely to
just click away, but...CYA.

Last, from now one when I make any feature requests I'm going to not only
email support but copy the Casper list as well to make sure I'm not an idiot
and see if others like it or can improve upon my ideas. I highly encourage
you all to do this.

Thanks, and have a great day!

Craig E


New Contributor II

I second this.
I know we can go in and change the CSS and HTML, but some of us are not
fortunate enough to know what we are doing or have the time to do it.
Alan Benedict
Macintosh Technician
The Integer Group
O: 515-247-2738
C: 515-770-8234


Hi All,

I fully agree with this and would go i step further, (and i did submit this as a feature request) and that is to have editable/customisable buttons.

The word "install" suggests there is something to install which some times in not appropriate for the full use of Self Service, I use Self Service to run scripts only or load webpages, i link to our web support pages and our online HR system, as it make it easier for users. For these cases a different button is appropriate as it confuses users.

I tell them to login to self service and run a script or command, it might be remove the EFI firmware password, or add a printer, or run a file recover script. With the word 'install' they expect something to be installed which they then have to run to complete the task, so sometimes they run the script multiple times and thinks its not working.

I would like the ability to change the text or pick from a range of buttons, such as

Install Run Script Login Run Command Launch



Criss Myers
Senior Customer Support Analyst (Mac Services)
iPhone Developer
Apple Certified Technical Coordinator v10.5
LIS Development Team
Adelphi Building AB28
University of Central Lancashire
Preston PR1 2HE
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01772 895054

Honored Contributor

I think in general, having the self service css/html layout documented so
that we can customize it properly would be nice.
