Posted on 08-17-2009 09:25 AM
Was wondering if anyone has suffered hardware issues after pushing an Office
2008 image? 3 black MacBooks all suffered the same hardware issue after
Entourage finished transferring data from Office 2004. All computers hard
drives failed. I'm a little concerned and don't know whether it's just a
coincidence or if I should continue with the upgrade? Any feedback would be
greatly appreciated.
Posted on 08-17-2009 03:03 PM
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 12:25:03 -0400
Unless software includes some sort of firmware change, which Office does
not, software cannot cause hardware problems. I suspect your MacBooks are
probably from the same batch of machines within the same order and that you
are experiencing an endemic hardware issue with the machines themselves.
William M. Smith, Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications, LLC
(651) 632-1492