How many APPLE DEP Groups do yall have created in APPLE?

New Contributor

Are you a institution or business? How many device are you working with? Also, do y'all have multiple pre-stage enrollments to match your DEP Groups created in APPLE?


New Contributor III

I manage a deployment of teacher and student iPads in a middle school as well as one grade level in the high school. We're hovering around 1,300 devices and I organize the pre-stage enrollments by class for students and by building for the staff. For example, I have my student groups as student-gradyear, such as "student-2021" for my 7th grade. Staff is simply staff-building, such as "staff-dms." So right now we have six groups total. It makes it easy to generate smart groups based on those specific pre-stage enrollments and assign inventory attributes relevant to that group.

As far as how I handle the Apple DEP side of things, I simply upload the batches by the pre-stage enrollment they need to go in. For example, this summer I uploaded 350 iPads for the class of 2021 then went into the pre-stage enrollment, confirmed that I had 350 unassigned devices then simply assigned all of them to that enrollment. Uploading everything at once would make too tedious to separate them into the individual enrollments.

New Contributor

So you have 1 APPLE DEP?

Contributor III

I manage iPads for a consortium of 6 school districts—4 of which are currently using DEP. One DEP account per district. Each district has a few Pre-Stage groups, typically Staff/Student/Building.

Contributor II

We have 50 DEP instances all pointing to one JSS. Each of these represents a different site. Then we have 50 different pre-stage enrollment setups to go with that.