Posted on 03-22-2016 11:07 AM
I have this problem for my school that Google Chrome likes crashes all the time while my students are logged into a Active Directory account running OS X 10.10.5.
Has anyone encountered this problem before? I believe I have found the root cause was Chrome is trying to write to the user Data Folder vs locally on the machine. Would this be a folder redirection? If so, how would I accomplish this? Thanks!
Posted on 03-22-2016 12:04 PM
Yep, quite likely that the location of the home folder is gathering root cause. AD logins are generally ok (apart from a few specific cases).
How have you got your user home folders setup? Network only, local only? Both with syncing? Both with folder re-direction or aliases? Both with no syncing?
From what I've seen, local only or both with no syncing will work. The others will have varying degrees of problems.
Posted on 03-23-2016 07:53 AM
David thank you for your response.
Unfortunately our education user base will not shift from network homes to use something like Google Drive to store everything.
1) How have you got your user home folders setup? Network only
2) Using Mobile AcctsFileSync to sync stuff to the network home. Reason why on Mobile Accounts? Chrome doesn't crash, but need to backup the users documents to the network. Management and users refuse to go local accounts in-conjunction with Google Drive to save stuff.
3) No folder redirection or aliases. I do not know how to do that yet.
Since the powers that be over me refuse local accounts, yet wants stuff to backup to the network but want Chrome to work without crashing the only unfortunate alternative is to have a folder redirect for Google. I know what folders need to be redirected by don't know how to accomplish that task yet.