NoMachine Deployments - detect devices that need screen recording permission + configuration


Just any FYI for anyone else looking at noMachine for remote lab access. Here is an EA to detect (on +10.15, not tested on big sur yet) if the noMachine service has been permitted to do screen recording:



if [ -f /Applications/ ]; then
    ExtensionVersion=$(/usr/bin/sqlite3 "/Library/Application Support/" "SELECT service,client,allowed from access" | grep nomachine | grep kTCCServiceScreenCapture | cut -d'|' -f3)
    # This will identify clients that haven't even  requested permissions yet.
    if [ "$ExtensionVersion" == "" ]; then

if [ "$ExtensionVersion" == "" ]; then
    ExtensionVersion="Not Installed"
elif [ "$ExtensionVersion" == "1" ]; then
elif [ "$ExtensionVersion" == "0" ]; then

echo "<result>$ExtensionVersion</result>"

exit 0

After my major rollout, I'm going to create a smartgroup and get email alerts on changes for it, so I know if I need to go do something.

And here is part of the script I use to licenses and configure the software:


# Get the NoMachine license file
Host=$(hostname -s)
if [ ! -d  /Library/Application Support/My IT/ ]; then
    mkdir -p /Library/Application Support/My IT/

cd /Library/Application Support/My IT/

# I store my licenses files in an IIS directory where the names are associated with specific devices, which would aid in deploying the software automatically.
if [ ! -f /Library/Application Support/My IT/node-$Host.lic ]; then
    curl -f -O "$Host.lic"

    if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
        # Because I'm going to try and name the license files by the computer name, if it fails, I want to know, so I can see why it failed
        exit 1
    curl -f -O "$Host.lic"

if [ ! -d /Applications/ ]; then
    exit 0

cd /Applications/
rm server.lic
rm node.lic
cp /Library/Application Support/My IT/node-$Host.lic node.lic
cp /Library/Application Support/My IT/server-$Host.lic server.lic
# The config for NoMachine is at /Applications/

# Set the maximum number of concurrent connections.
#ConnectionsLimit 20
sed -i'' -e 's/#ConnectionsLimit 20/ConnectionsLimit 1/' /Applications/

# 3: Silent. The server never notifies desktop owners about incoming
#    users, incoming users are informed that the maximum number of
#    allowed connections is reached.
#AutomaticDisconnection 0 -> 3
sed -i'' -e 's/#AutomaticDisconnection 0/AutomaticDisconnection 3/' /Applications/

# 0: Disabled. This computer cannot be found on the local
#    network but it's still reachable by providing its IP
#    or hostname.
#EnableNetworkBroadcast 1
sed -i'' -e 's/#EnableNetworkBroadcast 1/EnableNetworkBroadcast 0/' /Applications/

# Blanking the physical screen of the machine when somebody connects.
# 1: Enabled. The physical screen of this machine is blanked and the
#    local user cannot interact with the desktop while somebody is
#    connected.
# 0: Disabled. The physical desktop of this machine is not blanked
#    when somebody is connected. All operations made from the remote
#    user are visible to the local user and the local user can interact
#    with the desktop. This is the default.
#EnableScreenBlanking 0 > 1
sed -i'' -e 's/#EnableScreenBlanking 0/EnableScreenBlanking 1/' /Applications/

# Enable or disable the automatic logout of the user from the system
# upon disconnection of the NoMachine session.
# 1: Enabled. NoMachine will execute the script. The
#    automatic logout can be effective only if the command set in
#    script is appropriate for the system.
# 0: Disabled. When disconnecting the NoMachine session, the user is
#    not automatically logged out of the system.
#LogoutOnDisconnect 0
sed -i'' -e 's/#LogoutOnDisconnect 0/LogoutOnDisconnect 1/' /Applications/

# Delay the execution of the logout command when 'LogoutOnDisconnect'
# is enabled. By default timeout is set to 0, i.e. the
# script is executed immediately as soon as the user disconnects the
# session. Specify a delay in seconds, for example 600 to execute the
# logout after ten minutes.
#LogoutOnDisconnectTimeout 0
# 5 minute disconnect
sed -i'' -e 's/#LogoutOnDisconnectTimeout 0/LogoutOnDisconnectTimeout 300/' /Applications/

# This is needed to allow 'first time users' to authenticate
# Specify a different path to the default, i.e. user's home, where
# the .nx directory has to be created to store session files. If it
# doesn't exist yet, node will try to create a sub-directory for
# each of the users starting a session there, named as username, and
# will create the .nx under that sub-directory. For example, if this
# key is set to /tmp/nxdir/, when user nxtest runs the first session,
# the node will try to create the /tmp/nxdir/nxtest/.nx directory.
# The directory specifed in the UserNXDirectoryPath key needs to
# have proper ownership and permissions set to ensure that the node,
# running as the user, can access it. I.e. the directory should be
# writeable for all users or alternatively, the administrator should
# create a directory with proper ownership and permissions, named as
# username, for each of the users who need to start sessions there.
#UserNXDirectoryPath ""
sed -i'' -e 's/#UserNXDirectoryPath ""/UserNXDirectoryPath "/tmp/nxdir"/' /Applications/

/Applications/ --startup --startmode automatic

# Set permissions on the licenses and other files
chmod 400 node.lic
chmod 400 server.lic
chown nx:wheel ./*

/Applications/ --restart