Office 2011 14.4.5 update is out

Valued Contributor

Hi guys;
new update. they may have fixed packaging as I was able to upload it as is to munki, and it installed at the loginwindow


Release Candidate Programs Tester

Any fix to constant Outlook Identity Database corruption?

Esteemed Contributor III

Any fix for the improper plain text wrapping in Outlook?


Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

Pretty sure it's just a security update for Outlook and some Yosemite compatibility patching. I haven't really noticed anything different. I wish they'd just, you know, release a relevant Office version. At least one that can talk to an Exchange 2013 server correctly…sigh…

Valued Contributor II

I thought I read somewhere that Office 2011 goes EOL next year. If true, then there should be another half baked Office Suite due out to replace it.

That being said, I haven't heard much from M$

Legendary Contributor III

Same here. Heard hot and heavy rumors of a new release for a while, but its been strangely quiet from them for months now. I will need to nudge our MS rep and see whats up with that.


We are well overdue a release - 2010 Windows, 2011 Mac, 2013 Windows, 2014 Mac? 2015?

Esteemed Contributor III

I thought Microsoft was only going to sell us Microsoft Office 365?


Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

But Office 365 just lets you download Mac 2011… so really it's the same thing in a different package (with a different price sticker). If they were able to make an iPad version of Office apps you'd think they could get something comparable working on OS X.

Legendary Contributor III

Yeah really. Office 365 is the same pig, different clothes... or something like that. I seriously heard directly from our MS rep, not some wacko rumor site even, that they were working on a new version to be released this year. We're not far from the end of the year now, so clock is a ticking if they are going to do it.

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

I heard something very similar, and that it was a "new version" not a "new version for Mac OS X"…  My suspicion is that "new version" was those iOS iPad apps that came out in the spring. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see a new Mac OS X version of Office until Q1-Q2 of 2015. Which is stupid.