Patch Management

New Contributor

Hi, i am completely new to jamf pro. I like to use the patch management feature. i understand, that i have to configure, wich apps i like to involve in the patch management at \computer\patchmanagement\. 

so lets say i like to monitor firefox. i create a new entry at  \computer\patchmanagement\. 

After that i download the actual version (97.x) and upload it to the packages.

Now i can select this package at definitions in the patch management entry i just created.

On a test mac i installed an old (96) version of firefox. 

How i can now update the installed 96 to 97 with jamf patchmanagemt without creating a new policy to install the new version as usual...or is this the way ?


please help :-)



You're off to a good start. What you need to do next is to create a patch policy, which is what you actually scope to the targeted computers:

Once you have that all set up, you can test with sudo jamf policy on a client in scope.

New Contributor

ok, but when i go in patchmanagement and then to policy, there comes a message, that i have you setup a software package for the software title. see screenshot. 

but this i have allready done. i dowloaded the .pkg file of Firefox 97 and select ir in software title. see screenshot.

And i have an Error in the extension atributes. i don´t know what this is and for what i need this and when, how to setup. i thought uploading the .pkg ist enough to install...

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I'm guessing you just need to accept/agree the terms of the EA, and that should clear the error. Once the error is clear, that should let you make your policy.

New Contributor

you are right. sorry for this rookie mistake :-)

But it still doesn´t work. i have a patch policy that ist pointing on the one and only mac i setup for test. on this mac is an old firefox 96 installed for purpose. 

on the patchmanagement home screen i cansee the policies. but on the firefox policy is no device. it say 0   0. see screenshot. firefox is not updating...

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For the ones that use an EA like Firefox, I've seen that behavior too. I think that the clients need to check in at least once to run the EA and report their Firefox version to Jamf. If you're looking for a patch management app to test that doesn't use an EA, Chrome is a good one to try.

For Firefox, I'd a couple 'sudo jamf recon' and that should get the client data Jamf needs to recognize the patch applies to your test client. You can confirm that the EA has reported back if you look at the Extension Attributes section of a client's general tab:




New Contributor

ok, thank you, i will check tomorow.

New Contributor

sorry for the late response. i checked the mac and there is no entry for the extension. i only accept the extension, i did not modify it. is this right ? the extension is a code/script that give´s jamf the information what version is installed ? see screenshot.

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