Posted on 10-08-2010 07:55 AM
Anyone know if this is possible with an extension attribute?
- Jay Heath
Posted on 10-08-2010 08:30 AM
I checked and did not see a way you could grab the region code from the command line. However, in the past I have modified the /etc/authorization file to allow users to set their own regions. There is an app you can drop into Casper to make this possible.
All this app does is modify that file, doesn't actually install anything.
Posted on 10-08-2010 08:52 AM
There is a setregion command in the DVD private framework folder, however Apple's manual page says you cannot use this from the command line. A quick google search shows people using perl to gather data and then run it through the binary. However, I never saw any results.
bash-3.2# locate setregion /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Composer/Sources/netboot/ROOT/System/Library/Frameworks/DVDPlayback.framework/Versions/A/setregion /System/Library/Frameworks/DVDPlayback.framework/Versions/A/setregion
there also seems to be one in my JAMF folder, but that could be from something I captured with Composer a while ago.