Recon Issues

Contributor III

Anybody else use the recon application? I use it with network segments for sorting my end users. I.E. students use these subnets and teachers use these other subnets. I'm using recon to move users to our new JSS. When I did the teachers everything worked fine (a couple of weeks ago). When running it on student machines It seems to freeze at the "running recon" stage.


On top of this if I try to run it on more than one user at a time (from recon preferences menu) the program stops responding and I have to restart.

I do have a policy set to enrollment to run this script:


#script used on enrollment to remove old MDM profiles and install new when switching JSS Servers
sudo jamf mcx

sleep 5

sudo jamf mcx

sleep 5

sudo jamf mcx

sudo jamf removemdmprofile

sleep 5

sudo jamf mdm

sleep 3

sudo jamf mcx

sleep 3

exit 0

Maybe the computer is losing connection during recon because of the script so it freezes?