Posted on 09-02-2010 06:46 AM
I was curious,
I have an old printer in Casper Admin that I inadvertently added to all of our machines when I imaged them. Is there a way I can create a policy to remove this printer from my Macs using a policy?
Thanks in advance,
Terry Sheltra, Macintosh Support Technician
University of Virginia, School of Architecture
w: 434.982.3047 e: terrys at skype: barret55
Posted on 09-02-2010 06:57 AM
On Sep 2, 2010, at 8:46 AM, Sheltra, Terrance (tls2t) wrote:
If you are running 7.31, go to manage- policies - create policy
there is an option to add or remove a printer.
Dan De Rusha
Posted on 09-02-2010 07:07 AM
The other option which is easy too. Write a script all it needs to contain
is this
lpadmin -x Brother_MFC_9840CDW
Replace Brother_MFC_9840CDW with the queue name of the actual printer and
deploy the script