Run jamf displayMessage from user-runapplication?

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Hi Tom, thanks for the idea! We are managing with Casper MCX, bound to AD, and using Kerberos tickets. I'm not even looking to pre-populate any data (actually in Kerberos everything should be pre-populated except for the user's password already). Just want to launch the app and display a dialog message in front of it.

I’ve gotten this to work now, with a little tweaking.

# Check for Kerberos Ticket
kerbTicket=klist | grep Kerberos | awk '{ print $3 }'
if [ "$kerbTicket" != "ticket" ]; then `open "/System/Library/CoreServices/"` `/usr/bin/osascript << EOT tell app "System Events" Activate display dialog "You need a Kerberos Ticket." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "No Kerberos Ticket" with icon caution end tell EOT`

exit 78;

Does exactly what I needed it to do!



Honored Contributor

Yeah I was just winging it, I knew I was going to mess up the
applescript part. However, you can do some really cool and powerful
stuff when invoking AS from bash. Glad it worked for you