Running uninstaller for Kaspersky Endpoint Security via policy

New Contributor II


Longtime reader, first-time poster. I've searched for an answer and may have poorly crafted my searches but haven't found an answer.

Here's what I'm trying to do. I need to uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Protection from all the Macs that have it installed. Kaspersky's own management tools just don't work. Rather than spend a bunch of time troubleshooting a product we're retiring, I want to try and accomplish the same thing with Jamf.

My approach so far: I made a package in composer with the KES uninstaller. That works; KES uninstaller appears in the workstation's app folder and works fi you double-click on it. What I'd like to do next is send a command to run the uninstaller in the background so that the user doesn't see it and doesn't have to enter an admin PW. Nothing I've tried works so far.

Maybe this is the wrong approach. Any and all advice greatly appreciated.


New Contributor

Here is how I uninstall Kaspersky. We have a managed Kaspersky environment. Digitrust is our provider. I watched one of their support techs do this.

Create Script.
Run Policy containing script.

Script Starts Here

cd /Library/Application Support/Kaspersky Lab/KAV/Binaries
sudo ./UninstallScript
cd /Library/Application Support/Kaspersky Lab/klnagent/Binaries/
sudo ./UninstallScript

Script Ends Here