Show Notification Preview for Specific Apps

New Contributor

Hey ya'll -

Newish to managing Jamf here! Our team is looking to force notification previews for the Self Service application, even if the end user has "show previews - never" enabled. Is there a script or option to do this?




Valued Contributor II

You want to create a Notifications configuration profile in Jamf Pro and deploy it to all your computer. You can set the Notifications to be either Banners (temporary) or Alerts (displayed until dismissed). This will override any user settings. 

You will need the Self Service bundle Id: com.jamfsoftware.selfservice.mac


Thanks for replying! The problem is that for users that already have this settngs enabled, to hide previews in banner notifications, we want the Self Service application to be able to show previews regardless of if the setting to hide is enabled or not. Will your suggestion achieve this? 

Appreciate the help! 

Yes, settings pushed from Jamf Pro will override what users have set locally.

New Contributor

This was never answered. I am also seeking this answer. Let me clarify the question. We would like to set Show Previews on the Self Service notification pane from Default to either When Unlocked or Always. 


We are finding that some users have the global Show Previews option set to Never. 


This is problematic for the following reason. We are updating applications via the Jamf's Self Service and we provide a healthy amount of heads up by way of notifications prior to an app restarting. But if a user doesn't see any of the notifications, apps will just close out of the blue (typically at inopportune times).  

At first glance, that option is not changeable in the Jamf console despite it being locked (greyed out) in the user's System Settings (pictured above). 


I'll keep looking, perhaps iMazing has the override. But I wanted to clarify in case anyone else stumbled upon this. Thanks.


Circling back. While iMazing looked promising, it ultimately comes down to what Apple allows. There is a setting to do exactly what we want, see this dev page for "PreviewType." Unfortunately, that particular setting is iOS only. 



The type previews for notifications. This key overrides the value at Settings>Notifications>Show Previews.

  • 0 - Always: Previews will be shown when the device is locked and unlocked

  • 1 - When Unlocked: Previews will only be shown when the device is unlocked

  • 2 - Never: Previews will never be shown

Available in iOS 14 and later.

I'm all ears if anyone else has a suggestion. If we can't define that attribute via policy, I'm unclear why it is greyed out and unchangeable by the end user.