Updated from 9.92 to 9.96. Suddenly Self Service doesn't work; spins forever after login.

New Contributor III

We've spent the day trying to figure out why Self Service no longer works after our update from 9.92 to 9.96. JAMF support is stumped too and suggests we downgrade back to 9.92. But before we do, has anyone else experienced a SS failure after upgrading? It's not an authentication or LDAP issue; our credentials are accepted. It's that SS just spins and never presents any icons/software/policies to the user; the spinner never stops. Two local JSS accounts (including the default admin account) are able to log in and get icons; no other accounts can.

Has anyone else seen this? Any ideas other than us rolling back and losing Sierra compatibility? I'm throwing this out there in the desperate hope for any ideas. Thanks.

UPDATE: The problem appears to have been that we turned off LDAP pooling. Until further notice from JAMF, don't do that. Even though we need to eventually turn it off due to auth. timeouts, doing so in 9.96 breaks Casper. Hope this helps someone else.


Valued Contributor II

You might have thought of this already, but could it possibly be a caching issue with Self Service? Self Service creates a cache located at ~/Library/Caches/com.jamfsoftware.selfservice. This cache would be unique for every user, so that may explain why the two local accounts can access Self Service.

Valued Contributor III

Not an answer, but maybe worth trying is re-enrolling a Mac or two to see if that helps?

New Contributor III

Update posted.