What do the Management Commands mean?

New Contributor III

In Management History > Completed Commands there are multiple entries for the following Commands: CertificateList, iTunes Account Status, iTunes Account Info, and ProfileList.

What do each of these Management Commands mean?
What do they do?
If they are in the Pending Commands section, what does this mean?
If they are in the Failed Commands section, what does this mean?

These are seen on all managed systems, Mac OS X 10.7 thru macOS 10.12.

Casper 9.97

Thank you,
John McNairb44a7f72c4094460922f8b142011408e


Contributor II

ProfileList and CertificateList:
This just queries the device to see what configuration profiles and certificates are installed. It does this for both the system level (Username Blank) and user level (Username for the user that the command was run for). For the user level list it can only run while that user is logged in and it will queue commands for all users that have logged into the device. On a lab station we had 60+ commands queued in the JSS for users that last logged in three months before.

iTunes Account Status:
This is only run when users are logged in and checks to see if the the account logged into iTunes or iCloud is the one used when the user completed their VPP invitation. May only be sent for the user the device is assigned to in the JSS