XProtect on 10.9 Mavericks

Contributor II

Hi All,

Just to note that under 10.9 there appears to be no LaunchD item for Xprotect Update. The updates are delivered via SUS so as long as your using Reposado or Apples SUS and they have the 10.9 sucatalog then you can ignore the updates forever.

However Id like to ask what others are doing to control XProtect in 10.9? Anyone tried locking the file down ?



Release Candidate Programs Tester

I'm managing it, with regards to Java. This approach still appears to work in Mavericks:


Valued Contributor

As an alternative, the approach I've been using (MCX to manage the ManagedPluginPolicies key in com.apple.Safari.plist) is still working perfectly, but only in Casper 8.x (Casper 9 removes fully customizable MCX, but there's not really a suitable replacement). Further, it allows me to keep updating Xprotect so that most sites require the latest, most secure version of a plugin, while protecting the functionality of core business apps.

I most recently outlined it here, as it pertains to Java and NetConnect, but the same applies for other plugins:


Valued Contributor

Rather than editing XProtect directly, it appears that XProtect is just reading the CFBundleVersion.

If you wish to use an older version of something, eg. Flash, then rewrite this value in the software package. So with version installed, write the value to match XProtect. With the below settings, the flash version still works, whilst XProtect is still doing it's thing and the Flash Version page will report the correct installed version:


You have version 12,0,0,38 installed

Note below that whilst the CFBundleShortVersionString is still set to the CFBundleVersion has been rewritten to and Flash Player is working.

sh-3.2# defaults read /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/XProtect.meta.plist | grep -A 1 Flash
            "com.macromedia.Flash Player.plugin" =             {
                MinimumPlugInBundleVersion = "";
sh-3.2# defaults read /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/Info.plist  CFBundleShortVersionString
sh-3.2# defaults read /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/Info.plist  CFBundleVersion

You can set up a launchd WatchPath to monitor the change of the XProtect.meta.plist and then rewrite values appropriately to the Plug-In.

Valued Contributor II

Regarding Xprotect in Mavericks, I saw this post over on MacEnt

from Tim Sutton "In Mavericks, XProtect metadata is made available via software update (as now are other configuration items like energy settings for specific known 3rd-party apps). "

Does this mean if we don't allow users to run software update, they won't get XProtect updates anymore in 10.9 so outdated plugins won't be automatically blocked? Or is that info still coming down silentlyeven without manual run of software update if we don't use netsus?


Valued Contributor
Does this mean if we don't allow users to run software update, they won't get XProtect updates anymore in 10.9 so outdated plugins won't be automatically blocked? Or is that info still coming down silentlyeven without manual run of software update if we don't use netsus?

You'd have to disable all automatic Software Update checks.

XProtect updates are downloaded at installed during Software Update's background update checks.

Valued Contributor II

thanks for quick response @gregneagle

New Contributor II

Sorry to necro this thread, but again: how do people with netsus/reposado manage this? It seems in order to get new XProtect definitions, one needs to turn on Automatic updates and "install system files and security updates". But we don't want Automatic updates turned on, do we, since that will cause our (non-admin) endusers to get the message that they really should update to Yosemite?

Our current process is to run software update daily on computers on our wired networks and less often on wifi. But those updates doesn't seem to download XProtect/Gatekeeper. I've chatted some with @gregneagle on irc about this a month or two ago, but I don't know if anyone has come up with a good solution where:
- we still can trigger software updates on a schedule, and
- includes Xprotect/Gatekeeper

What say you, learned people?

Valued Contributor

Drop XProtectPlistConfigData.pkg and GatekeeperConfigData.pkg into Casper perhaps and use the same trigger method.

New Contributor II

Yeah, Sean, that is probably the solution we will use. Still, it's kind of pesky that you can't get them via standard software update commands, maybe something jamf runSoftwareUpdate was able to include. Otherwise, there is a big risk that many managed mac will remain at an old Gatekeeper/XProtect version.

Valued Contributor

Arguably it has a bonus side. You say that you reduce the frequency of software updates on WiFi, but as these have little overhead and as you could have a separate mechanism to install, then at least you know these could be up to date, whilst other software updates may be on hold.

Valued Contributor

As it happens, I am doing something different to the suggestions above. The software is already downloaded on our Software Update Server and is available via http. Therefore we have a script to pull the pkg using 'curl' and then running 'installer' against this download.

The script is being passed the difference in the path of the download as a string, since each version will have it's own download path. Actually, I'm passing two strings, the first stating if it is Gatekeeper or XProtect and the second string is the path difference. By doing this, we can use the same script for both XProtect and Gatekeeper.