JAMF Protect

New Contributor III

Hi There 


What fancy apart from default plan are you guys doing with JAMF Protect and worth implementing?



Esteemed Contributor

We actually killed JAMF Protect before letting it out of Proof of Concept. It was really an incomplete product and WAY too easy to disarm for a security endpoint. At least of 1st/2nd quarter this year when we were looking at it. When we were working with it, it really felt like it should be in a free alpha to help JAMF figure out what they needed. JAMF was very responsive to feature requests but it had too far to go to compete as a fee based product at that time.

@AJPinto Are you able to share with what you went with instead?

Esteemed Contributor

@wildfrog We use Sentinel One. We had used Carbon Black but they announced they were not going to support Big Sur (long before it was announced) so we dumped them, from my understanding they have backtracked on that statement. 

Thanks. That’s probably where we’re headed. I get that security is a moving target, but Jamf Protect just seems too much like a work in progress for my liking.

Esteemed Contributor

Very much so. It is far from a finished product, and JAMF track record for actually finishing things they start is not the best. Really JAMF Protect should be in a free invite only beta. I'm sure if JAMF ever finishes it JAMF Protect will be a great product, but that day is not today and do you really want to pay to help them get it there?

Contributor II

Sadly I have to agree with @AJPinto , there's no proper documentation or reference guides and support is almost non-existent. When we ask for support troubleshooting a couple of custom analytics that were not working, Jamf kept suggesting we contact Jamf Premium Services. So not documentation and no support.