Is there anyone here who has successfully deployed Equitrac and printed
using Xerox, deployed from Jamf Pro in their environment? I have it
working intermittently, but the inconsistencies would be a nightmare for
the service Desk and no doubt create ...
I was wondering if any one has had any luck setting this up? Basically
were trying to get some MacBooks to always be logged on to an SSID with
a config profile. That part works. We then want users to be able to log
in using their Active directory log...
Hi everyone, quick enquiry. I have a lab of 40 iPads that keep falling
of the required Service Set Identifier and moving onto our free service
_The_Cloud. I know you can create a wifi payload for TTLS and PEAP as
long as you provide a username and pa...
It's good to know I'm not the only one struggling! Any help you can
offer would be greatly appreciated. We've got it working, it's just very
temperamental. Not ideal, but the more I read and speak to people, I get
the feeling it's an unavoidable expe...
Hi, I am trying to get this working in my environment but am having
issues. The first policy is granting admin rights to the logged in user.
However, the admin rights aren’t getting revoked by the second policy.
It runs, grants admin rights and creat...
@ddasilva Hi there, I'm attempting this and not having much luck. Would
be great to see your step by step approach. It's falling over on the:
give current logged user admin rights /usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -a
$U -t user administratorexit 0 I'm ge...
@LSinNY Hi thanks again for getting back. We have all this configured,
only difference is we have it set to 2003 which we will change in our
next step. **1. have you enabled debugging as per the article Which
article, sorry I've looked at so many now...
Principal Mac Engineer at Bournemouth University.
Founder & Owner of
Dad, DJ, Music producer & label owner. Interested in embracing all things macOS, Jamf, Scripting, Packaging, Automation and making life easy at work!