Valued Contributor III

Joined: October 2012

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In this scenario, which would you use? • You're starting a new company in 2025 • Fresh Jamf Pro build • Fresh Apple Business Manager Do you use DEP Notify, Jamf Setup Manager, or something else?
In case others need the Sonoma Safari 18.1.1 package: This patches recent vulnerabilities:
Got an odd one. Anyone had this issue where Microsoft Word won't save anymore?I tried uninstalling, re-installing. Killed preference files and Microsoft Container files. Just on this Mac after he updated to 15.1 and Word 16.91.24111020. Tried an olde...
From Apple WWDC 24: What’s new in device managementLearn about the latest management capabilities for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and visionOS, then discover the latest changes to Apple Business Manager and Apple School Manager. We'll also share updates to A...