
Joined: May 2012

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Hello everybody, I have a script running for years that changes the "localadmin" password once a day and records it in JAMF Pro. Recently I noticed that it fails on some (Intel Macs) but not on others (M1 for now). What I do is to read the current pa...
Hello everybody, I managed to get my 2018 and 2019 13" MacBook Pro into a state that even xartutil -erase-all will not allow me to add more fingerprints. Since imaging is no viable deployment method anymore I started experimenting with the -eraseinst...
I recently started playing with DEP and prestage enrollment and was wondering whether or not what I am seeing is normal (Jamf Pro 10.9.0). If I manually enroll a Mac via jss.company.com/enroll, the Mac is assigned to the authenticating user regardles...
Some of my scripts are failing during enrollment and scheduled check-in. Running the policy from Terminal shows "Terminal" would like to administer your computer. Pressing OK allows the script to run ok on demand and in the future. Not all script are...
For the last two weeks I was working with support on an issue that seemed minor at the beginning. QuickAdd failed to complete the enrollment and the logs showed that this was caused by a failed MDM profile install. On the server the logs get flodded ...