
Joined: November 2011

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  • 217 Posts
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In the past we used traditional Adobe Flash downloads. We are now using Adobe Flash ESR version - Extended Service Release The traditional Flash version is and the ESR is We are also using Self Service Plug-Ins. For the typical...
I had a issue where a macbook air was not triggering a policy for iBeacon printer deployments.long story short, be aware of bluetooth versions! To help identify macs that were capable of Bluetooth 4.0 we made a Extension Attribute.We also made a smar...
Hi- I'm trying to use AD for my users and group logins to the JSS. My user mappings seem to be correct. I can test users, I can add a user from AD, give it JSS permissions and my AD user and PW work nicely. My User Group mappings seem to be correct, ...
Hi- our office has 1 SSID for the 2.4 and 5ghz bands. Without making two SSID's does anyone know how to hard set or force OS X's wifi interface to use the 5GHz band?
Does anyone have a way to enable or disable filesharing? I tried the script in the toolkit, did not have success. Thanks DD
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