Release Candidate Programs Tester

Joined: January 2019

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  • 16 Posts
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Hello - I'm looking for a way to set the DNS servers once a user connects to cisco anyconnect. We're running into some issues because we use a full tunnel so users automatic DNS isn't working properly. I can see through an scutil --dns that the DNS t...
So I think I'm messing something up or missing something somewhere with my DEP devices. All of our devices are DEP, so when I receive one back from a user, I typically wipe the device using internet recovery, reinstall the latest version of macOS, an...
Hey there - does anyone else use CyberArk EPM (end point management) to manage admin rights and third party app installations more easily? We're beginning to roll out a test bed in my company, and I'm working on the mac deployment. CyberArk provides ...
We're using AD binding and mobileaccounts on the macs in my environment, which I know isn't ideal, I'm working on getting us going on NoMAD Login, but we use machine certs which makes that tough. I'm currently using NoMAD, mostly just for password ch...
Hey all - I'm testing the Jamf "MakeMeAnAdmin" script found here. My first run I tested a reboot after making a few admin changes and after hitting the 30 minute mark, it didn't seem like the launch daemon worked, as the logs never appeared where the...
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