18 hours ago
Contributor II

Joined: June 2019

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Hi All Hoping someone can help.Have found a script for collecting log files using jamf pro API thanks @Travid @david_maestre for updating the script to work with Jamf pro API I belive its based on this which no...
Just setup MacOS onboarding and working great for use.As anyone configured the MacOS Onboarding extension attribute mentioned here does'nt appears to create tag usisng touch /Library/Applic...
Afternoon All Hopefully someone has seen this before. I have recently patched VLC media player the install media is DMG so used Repackage application to create a PKG for deployment. ...
Hello I'm trying deploy EndNote 21 so that End Users can open Word and the Cite While You Write plug-in will be configured. Have tried to use configurater to do this and while everything seems to be in the write place the plugin doesnt load in word.i...
Afternoon All. Hoping someone can help have been trying to package Maya & Mudbox 2024 for serveral weeks and facing issues I think with the license demon not starting before its get licensed.I get below error from Jamf log connecting to Service faile...