
Joined: June 2012

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  • 136 Posts
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Hello all, hope this can help some of you out if not give you a starting point for your own version reporting script.Often I am walking from the cafeteria and get stopped or I'm making my way through a cubicle farm to one customer and get pulled asid...
Let's say I am the admin of several hundred Mac's. Let's also say I have an employee that wants to "tinker" with his MacBook so he goes off and buys his own RAM to upgrade his machine to 8 gigs instead of 4. Is there a way for Casper to report a hard...
I've done a fair amount of googling and came up with To Disable the blockerdefaults write WebKitJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically 1To Enable the blockerdefaults write WebKitJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically 0...
The disk is actually named Macintosh HD and has been formatted twice. Also checked it for errors and nothing was found to be wrong with the drive itself. I'm using an external firewire drive (also tried USB) that has a 10.8.2 install on it with all C...
Realizations: 1) This is OT but I am asking anyone and everyone. 2) My server OS is way out of date. [10.5.8] (I took over this environment not long ago and am in process of getting new hard/software) Last night I was at home working on my server. Mo...