Jamf Connect 2.29.0 Sonoma issues

New Contributor II

Our feet are currently on Ventura, with a few exceptions on Sonoma. We plan to migrate our devices to Sonoma in the near future. Due to Jamf Connect and Sonoma issues, we deployed 2.29.0 to our devices before our migration. I like to state our previous Jamf Connect Policy has the following Files and Processes Payload to ensure our devices default to the local login, "authchanger -reset -preAuth JamfConnectLogin:DeMobilize,privileged". When I created the new Policy with 2.29.0, I included this same payload. On our Sonoma devices, there really wasn't an issue during testing. I have shut down and restarted the devices a few times, and the default, Local Login, was the default. When Sonoma 14.1.2 was released and the devices updated and restarted, the Local Login was the default. But a restart after that first restart, those Sonoma devices are now doing the idP login, which we don't want. 

Has anyone else had this experience?


Contributor III

i had the same thing, spent hours on the phone with jamf, i was really upset too. thankfully for us it was only a single machine, and it was 1 of my testers. Jamf's response was to create a policy, which is the very last thing i wanted to do, no band-aids here, we have resolutions. anyways, we had 1 from a prior version but after a while, the login returned to what i wanted, but just in case yours doesnt, heres the policy we used

/usr/local/bin/authchanger -reset -JamfConnect

put it under files and process and use it as an "execute command" scope as desired....

New Contributor II

danlaw777 thank you but that solution didn't work. In short, I created the policy for -reset -JamfConnect and pushed it before an update/upgrade, and after the restart for the update/upgrade the login is what is expected, that is a Local Login, which is what we want, not the idP login. But if we do a restart AFTER the restart for the update/upgrade we get the idP login and not the Local Login. Now I can push a policy to do a "authchanger -reset " after the upgrade/update and we will get the local login but that will only work up to the next update and we are back to square one.