Jamf Connect without Jamf Pro

New Contributor

I'm looking at integrating some Macs with Azure AD. I had a call with a Jamf sales guy today about Connect and he mentioned there was a feature that in Connect that didn't work without using Jamf Pro as well. Something to do with local account / password synchronization with Azure AD. Does anyone have an idea what that is?

We already use Intune as our MDM, so I don't plan on shelling out money for another MDM solution as well.



Jamf Connect is designed to be MDM agnostic. It has no reliance on Jamf Pro for any of its features.

Jamf Pro does include an integration to make deploying and updating Jamf Connect easier and it does contain a feature to repurpose a username collected during custom enrollment for the login window, but that's not specific to Azure AD and it's more of an MDM feature not a Jamf Connect feature.

If Intune lacks some of Jamf Pro's capabilities that make using Jamf Connect easier, that would be the only difference I can see. But I don't know Intune's capabilities.

Valued Contributor II

Talking Moose is the expert here. But I will add my experience with Intune. You will want to create the profiles in Jamf Connect Configuration tool to create your config profiles and, maybe, tweek them by hand. You will then upload the profiles to Intune and assign them. 

I haven't used Intune in nearly a year, but last I looked, they did not have any option to install packages during setup (like Jamf has), so you will need to install Jamf Connect after setup, even if you are using Automated Device Enrollment. 

I never actually implement JC with Intune, but it can probably be done. I think the hardest part will be uploading the Jamf Connect pacakges and getting them installed from Intune. (Unless you use Munki or something else to do your package installs.) 


Hi Everyone,


I used Jamf Connect with Intune. I prepared the configuration profiles with the Jamf Connect Configuration application. However, there is something strange. I enroll the device with Intune. However, during the opening phase, I cannot see the old image with the company logo that I use in Jamf Connect's account creation or account connection windows. After the device is turned on, Jamf Connect is activated and I can synchronize the password. What could be the reason for this? Where could I have made a mistake? While doing this, I used the document in the link below.
This process I mentioned worked correctly when I used Jamf Pro for MacOS devices.