Enterprise app not found in JAMF Now

New Contributor

We have a public application and an enterprise application on the public App store. Both can be navigated to directly by URL, the only difference is that the public application can also be searched for by name in the app store. However, in JAMF Now, only the public application comes up. We can search for that app by id or name and the search works. But entering the id or name of the enterprise listing does not work. We're not using Apple Business Manager or any other private distribution channel - the listing is public, just not searchable because the app does not allow for self-enrollment by the public, but rather is only accessible to users at our company's corporate customers. This is relatively new, but Apple is now forcing all new enterprise-targeted apps down this path, so it seems critical to support. How can I distribute an enterprise app store listing in JAMF Now?


New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hey Shaaa,

Private/enterprise apps can be made available to organiazations by:

1. Making a Custom App Available Only to Specific Organizations via Apple Business Manager: https://developer.apple.com/support/volume-purchase-and-custom-apps/

2. Uploading the app directly into Jamf Now as a custom app. Note that the app would need an associated provisioning profile to allow for devices to use the app once it is deployed and installed via Jamf. Now/MDM: https://developer.apple.com/help/account/manage-profiles/create-a-development-provisioning-profile/

You mentioned that your organization doesn't use Apple Business Manager which will limit your ability to use the first option. Using Apple Business Manager to associate the app with your MDM server is the preferred option as app updates will kick off automatically whereas custom apps require each new app version build to be manually uploaded and deployed to devices using Jamf Now. 

Let us know if this information helps in understanding the available options for deploying and managing your Enterprise app.