Casper Imaging Partition

Not applicable

I'm having an issue with imaging my iMacs with a BootCamp partition, if they already contain a BootCamp partition. I would like to reimage the drives regardless of what partitions are already on there. So what I would like is a script that partitions the drive and then lets Casper Imaging do it's thing. Is there anyone out there that has something like that?




My scripts can do it for u, I'll send tomorrow with instructions

Contributor II

I am interested in this as well.

Contributor II


Can you send me this script?

Valued Contributor

We do it by 2 Scripts (most of them are from the forums). One before imaging and other at reboot.

1) Script to delete all partitions. Must run this with script priority set to "Before"

# this assumes that /dev/disk0 is going to be the main HD in all systems
# Script priority in JSS should set to "Before" as this need to be done before Imaging
/usr/sbin/diskutil partitionDisk /dev/disk0 1 GPTFormat jhfs+ "Macintosh HD" 100%
echo "Disk0 has been re-partitioned."

2) Script to rename the partition to "Macintosh HD". Must run this with script priority set to "At Reboot"

# get current boot volume name
export VolumeName=`diskutil info / | grep "Volume Name" | cut -c 30-`

# if it's not Macintosh HD, malke it Macintosh HD
if [ "$VolumeName" != "Macintosh HD" ];
then diskutil renameVolume "$VolumeName" "Macintosh HD"

Contributor II

Thanks for the script. The problem I now face is that even though I have it set to run "before" imaging, it still runs after the creation of additional partitions for dualboot. I want to re-partition the existing partitions, and then recreate them during imaging. Does this make sense?