ComputerName changes when ethernet adapter change !?

Contributor III

Hello everybody,

I have a question about a problem I've had for a while and maybe you can help me.

When we enroll MacBook Pro with Jamf, everything goes well.
We use policies to rename the computer, bind to AD, install applications, ...
No problem...

As soon as we connect an Ethernet adapter different from the one we used when preparing the computer, the ComputerName and HostName of the computer changes automatically..

We can't find the reason for this.

If you have an idea or if you've had the same kind of problems and have found a solution, please, I am interested.

Thank you and have a nice day


Honored Contributor

In what way does it change? Does it change from using the Serial number to "Joe's MacBook Pro", or some other seemingly deliberate change, or is it something like a random string of characters? Also, what happens when you connect the original ethernet adapter back to the computer? Does the name change back?

You may want to check the policy you're using to rename the computer to make sure it isn't triggered by a Network change.

Contributor III

Thank you for your reply.

We have a naming chart based on labels that we put on our computers with a personalized reference.
Indeed, the name changes to "xxx's MacBook Pro"

If I put back the first adapter, the name does not change anymore.

When we prepare a computer, a script calls the post preparation policy (computer rename, bind to AD, install applications, ...).

We always check that the name is entered locally (ComputerName, LocalHostName, HostName) and in the JSS database (in JSS Web).

Sometimes we notice that it takes the name of the computer on which the adapter was plugged in before .. But only in HostName.

ComputerName is renamed to "xxx's MacBook Pro"

Thank you.