Conundrum - Managing iPads in Carts....with Apple Pens!

Contributor III

We are refreshing several hundred iPads. Apparently, we are getting pens with a good portion of them. Cases will have pen holders. These iPads will be in Carts that are only opened during class time.

These iPads are not set up as shared iPads as our higher ed system does not have anything to tie into ASM (in regards to a SIS). And, we do not have an Azure Active Directory yet but will sometime in the near future.

Wishing there was a way to make sure our Apple Pens do not "walk away".

Knowing who last used an iPad would likely make the above slightly more manageable.

If anyone out there is dealing with the same question, please post your ideas.


Valued Contributor

Pens in carts? You mean free pens?

Contributor III

Apple Pens. Each iPad in the cart is in a case and will have an Apple Pen paired to it. Make sense?


Apple Pencil. Physically tether them to the cases maybe?

Contributor III

No tethering solutions that would be practical with the cases we have and the carts. Good thinkin though!

Valued Contributor

I was making a (poor) joke.

Good luck!

Contributor III

the only way i can think of doing it is to make to Teacher responsible for the pens.
they hand em out, and they get em back ... if they fail to do so then its on them to replace