Disable MAU Microsoft Edge updates

New Contributor III

Hey Everyone,

I am trying to disable Edge updates via MAU, but they keep going through MAU and its conflicting with Jamf App Installer updates, specifically around re-opening the app after an update. The process just hangs and never fully re-opens, you can't quit the app via the dock either, it needs to be Force Quit from the Menu Bar option. 

I am using the most recent MAU 2.0 and Edge isn't even an option anymore. I disabled the EdgeUpdater updates via keystone and set the MAU option to disabled on the Edge config profile. My old MAU profile had Edge Updates set to change freeze and they still occurred. 

Any ideas? 


Contributor III

Most people try setting everything to auto update, and not disabling it, so iam not sure you will get many response's to this. You might want to open a call with Microsoft if you have a support contract. That being send what have you set to disabled on the EdgeUpdater policy, and have you restricted it to a version of edge.
Looking that the following link: Microsoft Edge - EdgeUpdater Policy Documentation | Microsoft Learn
It seems to suggest its not just default update setting you need to disable, you also need to disable the update checks and update policy override. The update policy override would need to be set to 3 and the auto check set to 0.

That being said unless you have had issues with edge updates in the past, most orgs would be looking for the method which auto updates the client with the minimal admin intervention.