Display Message via swiftDialog (0.0.6)

Valued Contributor II
Leverage switftDialog and Jamf Pro Policy Script Parameters to easily display engaging end-user messages

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Using Bart Reardon’s swiftDialog and Jamf Pro Policy Script Parameters, creating engaging end-user messages is easy.

When you really want to get your user’s attention, one of favorite options is --blurscreen, which “will blur the background of the display while dialog is showing.”

Screen Shot 2022-12-27 at 11.49.51 AM.jpg

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Valued Contributor II

Is there a key combination to force quit blur screen?

Valued Contributor II

that's a useful link, I been trying to figure out how the part in the script would look so if the user selects quit or close it spits back an exit 0 and self service doesn't error out. I know it's an if statement, my scripting is just at it's infant level.