How to auto mount mac drives in an Active Directory environment

New Contributor

In our environment, we are attempting to mount network share automatically on the Mac.
our net work team would like to have the share mount in a way that if they change a user to a new share this process will automatically reflect on the Mac.
Please let me know can this be done with a script ?
if so please send me the process.


Valued Contributor

Valued Contributor


I just looked over that script again after deploying it in March and I just noticed I missed something that would have made my life a lot easier......

Sigh, I'll take a look at re-deploying it once school starts again. The week before school is always busy!

New Contributor

I am going to try this tonight, I will let you know if I am successful.
Thanks again !

New Contributor

I am testing script and I have a few questions

where do you get the nodename from ?
Do you have to add every share in the script with every user or does the $ switch work ?

Valued Contributor

The nodeName comes from the AD account information. My AppleScript skills aren't great at the moment but I'd like to learn more when time allows - drop @bentoms a line if you need any pointers.

We actually use a subset of things in that script but it works very well, for instance we don't do anything with printers as we set those up directly in Casper. Also, we just grab the users' home area specified in AD and add an OSX suffix, so users have a separate folder for files they want to share between the Windows and OS X systems they have access to. Finally, we add in a couple of lines so users have mappings set up on login to Research and Department-specific shares.