Installing Java 8 Silently

New Contributor III

Oracle has made their Java 8 Update 73 installer an app rather than a package. So in order to install it, I have written a script to launch the app. I found documentation on Oracle's site that explains that if you follow the install command with the argument SPONSORS=0, the install won't install all of the companion junk (toolbars, etc.) that is installs by default. But I can't seem to find an argument for silent installation.

Anyone on here know of an argument for silent installation? Oracle's site is chocked loaded with help for building Win installations, but is scarce on details for command line Mac installations.

Bob Reed


Valued Contributor

What you really desire is a clean pkg that will simply install Java.

Check out @rtrouton post concerning Java deployment

I suspect the option to locate the JavaAppletPlugin.pkg within the resources will work with Update 73, as it did with Update 65.

Honored Contributor

The package is buried within the installer app. Check out Although I think the actual buried path has changed since this article was written, but dig around and you'll find it in there. Copy that out and then you've got a standard pkg install.

Honored Contributor

@jhalvorson You beat me to it by seconds. And you found the updated article. @AARP use that article to guide your deployment. I've got 8u73 deployed via this method - no need for scripting.

New Contributor III

Thanks for the guidance, guys...

Bob Reed


I tried doing this (extracting the installer app and building standard app pkg), but it keeps failing. The specific error is:

3/15/16 8:56:20.548 AM mdworker[1993]: code validation failed in the process of getting signing information: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67062 "(null)" UserInfo={SecCSArchitecture=i386}

I initially edited the postinstall script to remove the part about launching the browser after install, but then just tried the OOB script - still no joy.

Any thoughts/ideas welcome.

Dan Miller

Valued Contributor

@dmillertds are you saying you extracted the package from within the installer app or did you repackage the installer app itself?. The .pkg from within should be drag,drop,deploy



You can also use AutoPkg, which will give you a java.pkg that actually installs.


The PKG is just now hidden inside the app.

Right click on the java update app and select "Show Package Contents"
Navigate to "java 8 update"
You can use this PKG file do deploy to software just like previous versions of Java

I personally then take this PKG upload it with Casper Admin and configure a policy to install for my users.

Others have referenced an external link but I figured posting the actual answer here might be helpful.

@McGinn All I could say is--thanks