Jamf Temporary Account Password??

Contributor III

Hope everyone is good.

We recently updated to Casper 10.1.1 and I'm imaging a system and it locked the system at the JAMF Temporary Account. I tried just clicking to move ahead but it wants a password? I've never had that happen before. Does anyone know what that password is? It didn't even lock with Jamfhelper and the splash screen. Went the desktop and then the screen saver and then the account login screen.

This is a Sierra 10.12 install, not High Sierra 10.13. I have imaged many 10.12 systems with Casper 9.100 with no issue like this.

Thank you all for any assistance with this. Have a very great day!


Contributor III

Question did you update your imaging netboot to Jamf Imaging 10.1.1 as well? if you updated your JSS but not the Casper Suite of app's I've seen issues like this.

Valued Contributor II

If I ever hit a snag with the temp account, I jut reboot the computer.
Either it was in the process of deleting the user, or it picks up where it left off and finishes it's tasks.

New Contributor

Try password 'temp'?

I had a similar experience with a temp account asking for a password, on a whim I typed that in and to my amazement it was correct (through no customization of our own).

More than likely a fluke, but worth a try.


It may be the screen lock rather than the login screen. With one user I can't tell the difference.

It might be finishing the installs sans splash screen. We have seen that here.

If you wait, does it finally reboot?