OneDrive steals focus from active windows

New Contributor II

We're seeing a strange issue for a few weeks now.
The active window starts to lose focus randomly, which is a bit hard to explain, but for example, while typing every 20 seconds the textfield greys out for 5 secs then it's active again, which makes it impossible to work as this doesn't stop.
With the help of the following python script (Brian33 on Nov 18, 2022), we found that OneDrive always steals the focus for a few seconds:

The only fix currently is to close OneDrive and re-open it, but this needs to be done always once the Mac restarts.
So I created a script to close and re-open OneDrive during login, but it would be great to find a real solution.


Our OneDrive version is always the most recent one: 23.056.0314

Anybody else facing those issues?




New Contributor III

I see the same on my mac, but haven't heard any user complaints so far.