Presentation explaining the WHY

New Contributor

Has anybody created a presentation for their staff that explains WHY you're moving to Jamf? We're a non-profit org of 200 staff members who are mostly remote working and are moving to mobile device management. I don't want to reinvent the wheel if somebody has already created a presentation that explains why the move to Jamf and the benefits of an MDM. 

Many thanks!


Esteemed Contributor

I have not created anything specific myself. However, JAMF's sales pitch pretty much sums it up. No MDM is free, just like no MAM is free. If you want to manage your devices, you need to pay. As for which solution is best, of course we will say JAMF but it is really a business decision. Let JAMF/Microsoft/kanji convince your employer why they are needed and why they deserve your non-profits money.


The pitch:

  • Do you want to manage devices?
  • Are you worried about security vulnerabilities? 
  • Do you want to enforce OS and Application patching?
  • Are you worried about data breaches and the reputation and financial risk that comes with them?
  • Do you want to insure branding is followed and uses are using the correct applications?
  • Do you want to insure users are not using devices for personal use?

If the answer to any of those is yes, you want device management. JAMF Pro is absolutely an option, probably one of the best but not the only option.