Problem with Full disk Access Issue

New Contributor

Hello Everyone,

I tried enabling the Full disk Access for Qualys Agent from the Jamf Pro console and the profile has been pushed to the endpoint. However, the Full disk Access isn't enabled for the Qualys agent. Can someone help me to troubleshoot.


Contributor III

You may have more luck asking the software vendor than here, they may even have an example config profile...

That being said, the first thing to consider is that a privacy configuration profile won't add the item to the GUI for Full Disk Access. Having deployed two security tools at different times (Sophos and MS Defender) as well as various other apps, how they detect they have full disk access varies on app to app. Sophos was particularly messy, but probably one of the worst was Nvivo which at one point was checking if a settings file for Safari existed...

Basically unless someone else here is using the same software, nobody will be able to easily help so again the best bet is the software vendor.