Schedule restrictions on Student iPads

New Contributor

Is there a way to prefent students of using Netflix/Fortnite between 8:00 and 16:00.
All of these iPads are supervised.

I know that there is a Server Side Limitation (Policies) for Computers.


New Contributor III

You could use Settings > Network Organisation > Network Segments to see if they are on your subnet. That works if your subnet isn't something common (like 192.168.x.x or 10.0.0.x), otherwise it may apply the config profile on their home networks also.

Once you have that segment, you can block certain apps using a restrictions payload. (Restrictions > iOS and tvOS > Applications > Restrict App Usage.

Network segments are great to stop a number of things happening while on your network, or to allow things to only open while on your subnet.

Valued Contributor III

Caveats to the previous suggestion.. if you are cloud hosted then you'll only have the IP address of your organization's outgoing IP address so you could put this into your network segment. However for iPads this is totally dependent on when the Update Inventory takes place. If it happens mid-day at school then the apps are blocked from then on (and not the morning), and then will be blocked at home as well as the next Inventory won't happen until the next day.